Automotive Technology
The Automotive Technology Program incorporates the Automotive Service E x c e l l e n c e ( A S E ) p r o g r a m certification standards and the National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation (NATEF) standards. The NATEF accreditation model is being updated and broadened to include all eight certification areas: Suspension and Steering, Brakes, Electrical/Electronic Systems, Engine Performance, Engine Repair, Heating and Air Conditioning, Automatic Transmission and Transaxle, and Manual Drive Train. T h e M a r y l a n d A u t o m o t i v e Technology Program is being reconfigured to fully align with the new NATEF model. Each course is aligned to industry requirements for certification and success in the field. The end-of-course assessment provides students the opportunity to earn an ASE Student Achievement Certificate and college credit.
Shawn Taylor
Automotive Technology Instructor
Bradley Griffin
Automative Technology Instructor